
CLASS builds on Internet2’s network of experts and members to build an inclusive and collaborative community.


The CLASS Continuing Learner Engagement is a series of webinars and experiences presented by leading Campus and Research IT professionals. The webinar series often consists of talks on cutting-edge technologies, challenges, and solutions related to cloud computing, data science, big data, and AI/ML.

Date Title Presenter Video Materials
May 10, 2024 CLASS Advanced Spring 2024 Final Presentation Various Recording Slides
May 9, 2024 Introduction to Jetstream Jennifer Taylor Recording Slides
May 8, 2024 Orchestrating a Successful AI Initiative on Campus Brandon Rich Recording Slides
May 7, 2024 A Practical Guide to AWS Security on the Cloud James Smith Recording  Slides
May 6, 2024 Project Eureka and Adaptive Computing at Scale Boyd Wilson Recording Slides

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